LogViewPlus Support

auto-merging multiple files does not work when they are each in a different zip file


By danielf82 - 17 Sep 2021

Hi all,
I like the auto-merging feature (with confirmation request) very much.
But when dragging multiple zip files containing logs into the viewer, the following happens:
1. the confirmation request to merge them comes up
2. no matter what you select, they are just importen separately without merging

Best regards,
By LogViewPlus Support - 17 Sep 2021

Hi Daniel,

Automatic merging of data across multiple zip files is not currently supported.

Merging log data from within a single zip file is something that we support automatically, but we have not considered merging the contents of multiple zip files automatically.  It is a good idea, but there is some indirect behavior here which makes it difficult to automatically trigger the merge.  

The current workaround is to merge the contents of the zip files manually.

Hope that helps,

By danielf82 - 17 Sep 2021

Hi Toby,

thanks for the info.
I get that such specific features can be tricky.
What makes it confusing for the user is that is acts like it would merge them (because you dropped multiple files) but then nothing happens.

Best regards,
Daniel Fink
By LogViewPlus Support - 17 Sep 2021

That's a good point Daniel. 

I will review this for the next release.  Hopefully, we can get the feature to work such that the contents of multiple zip files will be merged.  If this is not possible in the available time, I will disable the prompt if the target file list contains only archives.

Thanks for the feedback,

By LogViewPlus Support - 1 Dec 2021

Hi Daniel,

I have now reviewed this issue.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to automatically merge the contents of multiple zip files.  This will need to be done as a separate step after all of the files have been opened.

I agree that the 'merge' prompt was causing some confusion.  I have removed this prompt from the latest beta release - v2.5.41.  It is a small change, but hopefully it will make things more clear to new users going forward.

Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention.  
