LogViewPlus Support

Log Level may or may not exist


By samaursa - 23 Apr 2022

Using Unreal Engine, the logs may or may not have the log level in them.

For example, the following are all valid log entries in Unreal Engine

[2022.04.23-23.24.34:815][  0]LogWindows: DebugString: PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter GetVideoDriverDetailsInvalid PrimaryIsNotTheChoosenAdapter
[2022.04.23-23.24.38:686][ 0]LogPython: Warning: 'xxxxxxxxx' and 'xxxxxx' have the same name (xxxxxxxxx) when exposed to Python. Rename one of them using 'ScriptName' meta-data.
[2022.04.23-23.27.39:787][864]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.54ms
[2022.04.23-23.27.43:549][977]SourceControl: fatal: unable to get credential storage lock in 1000 ms: No such file or directory

As you can see, the entries are fairly inconsistent. When doing my own log entries, I made sure to be a bit more consistent. However I cannot seem to come up with a good parser for the inconsistent Unreal (and plugins) logs. I would like the log level to be UNKNOWN when there is no log level found. Currently, because the parser expects a colon and does not find one in log entries without a log level, it combines log entries of 2 (or more) lines into one.

For example, in the following screenshot, because the log level does not exist in the message, the parser gets confused and merged 3 log entries into one.

By LogViewPlus Support - 24 Apr 2022

Hi Samaursa,

When parsing a log file, LogViewPlus requires all log entries to have the same format.  Optional fields are not supported.

However, you can use multiple parsing patterns.  This technique works best when the more complicated pattern is defined first and the appropriate pattern can be determined by looking at the first line. 

For example, if I use the pattern:

[%d{yyyy.MM.dd-HH.mm.ss:fff}][%3t]%c: %p: %m%n
[%d{yyyy.MM.dd-HH.mm.ss:fff}][%3t]%c: %m%n

You can see that the log level is set to NONE in line 3.

Hope that helps,

By samaursa - 26 Apr 2022

Thank you Toby. The multiple parser pattern worked great!