LogViewPlus Support

Custom Text Display


By Email User - 8 Nov 2018


I'm currently evaluating your product, seems promising. We have a complex, JSON-based log file format in our company, I was able to parse it with a custom parser DLL. The grid view shows the relevant values from the log, but due to the complexity of the log-entries, it is impossible to show all values in the grid, especially when the entry contains sub objects, for example serialized exception data or payload-objects.

So I was thinking about reformatting the log entry in a text only format and display it in the bottom area of the logviewer window. I have set the property LogEntry.OriginalLogEntry to this reformatted text, but the logviewer always displays the data readed from the log file. Is there a possibility to show custom text in the bottom area of the log viewer? Another question, it would be great if the log entries in the grid could be double clicked, notifying a plugin about this event. One could then extend logview plus with a UI especially designed to visualize the whole log entry. This would be very useful for complex log entries.

Thanks for your answers
By LogViewPlus Support - 8 Nov 2018


Thanks for taking the time to evaluate LogViewPlus.

I understand what you are trying to do with the log entry display.  I thought that writing to the OriginalLogEntry would work, but I am going to need to take a closer look and get back to you.  This should absolutely be possible.

Double click is a meaningful action in LogViewPlus and cannot currently be overridden.  What is it you are trying to achieve?  If you wanted to have a external program (maybe a JSON viewer) work with a log entry, you could create an external command which references the current message.

Hope that helps,

By LogViewPlus Support - 8 Nov 2018

I have taken a closer look at this problem.  The issue is that the OriginalLogEntry is set by the text file reader after you set it in your parser.  What you can do is implement the IFinalizeLogEntry interface on your parser.  This method will give your parser a final look at the log entry after all processing is complete.  Your implementation would look something like:
public void FinalizeLogEntry(LogEntry entry, string unparsedData, ParseResult result)
                entry.OriginalLogEntry = "My new value”;

The parse is single threaded, so there shouldn’t be a problem with maintaining state over the method calls if needed.
I will be making changes to newer versions of LogViewPlus which allow the parser to set the OriginalLogEntry value on the first pass.  These changes should be in BETA tomorrow.  However, taking advantage of the newer technique would require all users to be on the latest version – so it is probably not a good idea to do this right now.
Hope that helps,
By LogViewPlus Support - 8 Nov 2018


I just wanted to let you know that we have released a new BETA version of LogViewPlus - v2.2.4:

This version allows you to set the OriginalLogEntry directly.  As mentioned, taking advantage of the newer technique would require all users to be on the latest version – so this may not help you, but I wanted to let you know.


By Email User - 8 Nov 2018

Hi Toby,

thanks for the info. Is there any information about new features or bugs fixed in the beta releases?
By the way, I have seen that the log object has a property ‘properties’ for saving key/value data.
I have filled this dictionary with data from my log-file, but I can’t find any option to visualize these
data in the LogViewerPlus-UI.
By LogViewPlus Support - 8 Nov 2018

Yes, you can find our release notes here:

With beta releases, it is important to stay on the latest version as it can change frequently.  Bug fixes between beta releases are often not documented.

The log entry properties are discussed here:

"These properties will not be available in the LogViewPlus grid, but will be available in the LogEntry. If you were to build a custom filter, you would find property data available under the LogEntry.Properties property."

