LogViewPlus Support

Help parsing AWS Application Load Balancers logs


By cv - 16 Sep 2020


I'm trying to parse AWS Application Load Balancers logs. I looked into the DSV parser option, but it still requires that I configure every argument. Am I missing an easier option?

Thank you,

Sample line:
https 2018-07-02T22:23:00.186641Z app/my-loadbalancer/50dc6c495c0c9188 0.086 0.048 0.037 200 200 0 57
"GET https://www.example.com:443/ HTTP/1.1" "curl/7.46.0" ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 TLSv1.2
"Root=1-58337281-1d84f3d73c47ec4e58577259" "www.example.com" "arn:aws:acm:us-east-2:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
1 2018-07-02T22:22:48.364000Z "authenticate,forward" "-" "-" 200 "-" "-"

source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/load-balancer-access-logs.html#access-log-entry-format
By LogViewPlus Support - 16 Sep 2020


That is a bit of a complicated format.  I suspect the problem with auto-detection here is that the log file does not contain a header and 'fields' definitions.  Otherwise, it should really have been automatically detected as a W3C log file format.

Fortunately, as you indicated, the format is well defined.

You can parse this file using the PatternParser with the pattern:

%s{type} %d{yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffZ} %s{elb} %s{client:port} %s{target:port} %s{request_processing_time} %s{target_processing_time} %s{response_processing_time} %s{elb_status_code} %s{target_status_code} %s{received_bytes} %s{sent_bytes} "%S{request}" "%S{user_agent}" %s{ssl_cipher} %s{ssl_protocol} %s{target_group_arn} "%S{trace_id}" "%S{domain_name}" "%S{chosen_cert_arn}" %s{matched_rule_priority} %s{request_creation_time} "%S{actions_executed}" "%S{redirect_url}" "%S{error_reason}" %s{target:port_list} %S{target_status_code_list} "%S{classification}" "%S{classification_reason}"%n

If you are not interested in all of the fields provided, I would recommend removing some of the column names.  This will indicate to LogViewPlus that the data should be parsed, but not presented.

Hope that helps,
