LogViewPlus Support

Feature Suggestion: Alert Sounds


By eyeshark - 17 Dec 2020

I would like to start by saying I have been using this product for a few months now and it is so very useful!
My suggestion is to add sound options to the alerts feature.
It would be very helpful while multitasking to have an audible alert when criteria are triggered.

By LogViewPlus Support - 17 Dec 2020

Thanks for the feedback - glad to hear you are finding LogViewPlus helpful.  :-)

We have a "Simple Alert Provider" which can play the Windows notification sound.

Does this feature meet your requirements? 

We investigated having configurable sounds, but this greatly increased complexity (UI complexity, but also support for different sound formats).  At the time, we decided that it was not worth the additional effort.

Hope that helps.  Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues.
