Change license

Kim Terp
Kim Terp
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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1, Visits: 8
I have bought a Personal License for myself.

Now I would like to buy one for one of my employees, but I would like to have Cooporate licenses. Can I buy 1 Coorporate license and then change my personal to a cooporate license so I end up having 2 Coorporate licenses?
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
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That's a very good question.  What is needed is an easy upgrade path from Individual to Corporate - as which is not something we currently support.

As you are purchasing an additional licence, we can upgrade your Individual license for free.  After you have purchased, you can contact us privately here:

We will then invalidate your Individual license and make the necessary DB changes to your new corporate license such that it will be valid for two users.

Going forward, we will have to think about the best way to handle Individual license upgrades.  Thanks for bringing this problem to our attention. 



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