Why do you need a log viewer?

Log files are often viewed as plain text. A log viewer will parse your log file and read the information. This helps you find, analyze, and fix issues faster.

LogViewPlus Screenshot

See how LogViewPlus can help you analyze log files. (1:55)

Video Highlight

Dashboard Reports

Your log files are datastores waiting to be analyzed. LogViewPlus has a custom SQL engine based on Transact-SQL which makes it is easy to transform your log file data into a report. Reports can then be grouped into dashboards for easy log file analysis. Visualizing the data in your log file helps you better understand the application context and quickly identify areas of interest for further investigation.

LogViewPlus includes several preconfigured dashboards that help solve a diverse range of problems. These default dashboards are great examples of how LogViewPlus can transform log file data into insight.

Log entry reporting.
IIS Log Reporting

IIS Log Reporting

See who is visiting your website and where they are going. View status codes and response times statistically to help you identify areas for improvement. With LogViewPlus, you get instant reporting with no java script that's based on the data you already have.


WatchAnalyzing an IIS log file. (1:41)

Java GC Analysis.

Java GC Log Analysis

Java garbage collections have big performance implications. This makes GC analysis an important task for any Java developer or sysadmin. LogViewPlus gives you more analysis options without needing to upload your data to a third-party.


WatchInstant Java GC log file analysis. (1:48)

Windows Event Log Viewer

Windows Security Overview

The NSA and Microsoft provide best practices on which Event Log entries should be monitored. With LogViewPlus you can monitor all recommended events on demand with instant reporting focused on security, reliability and error reporting.


Watch Apply best practices to Event Log analysis. (1:39)

Parse and Analyze FIX Messages

FIX Audit Log Analysis

FIX is a communication protocol used by financial institutions to exchange market data. FIX messages are often logged for auditing purposes. Analyzing these logs can help ensure the smooth operation of FIX-based communication systems.


Watch Parse and analyze FIX audit logs. (2:09)

Easy Data Filtering

Filtering log files is better than searching because filters can be combined into a more detailed query. For example, you can narrow your log file down to a particular thread and then search just within that thread. Filter results can also be joined using AND OR relationships or excluded to show everything that does not match. LogViewPlus is like tail, grep, and awk combined and redesigned for Windows.


WatchSee how filtering can help with your log files. (1:06)

Filter log entries.

Merge Log Files

With LogViewPlus, you can open as many log files as you need and press a button to combine them. Merged log file entries are automatically sorted by date so the information appears to be written by a single process. Merging log files can provide your analysis with more data, or give you insight into how multiple processes interact.

Merge log file data.

Tail Your Data

LogViewPlus processes real-time log file updates through functionality similar to the Unix Tail command which tracks log entries as they are written to the log file. All features in LogViewPlus are built with tail in mind, so when a new update happens, filters and statistics update automatically.

Tail log files.

Tail Log Files from Anywhere

LogViewPlus includes built-in support for technologies like SFTP, FTP, SCP, and SSL as well as mapped drives and Samba shares. Now you can read and tail all of your log files in Windows without starting a telnet session. It may sound small, but when you do it every day this feature can really add up to save you a lot of time. If you find an issue and need to jump on the box, we make that easy too by working with third party tools such as PuTTY.

Tail log files from anywhere.

Custom Rules

Rules can be applied automatically when a filter matches a log entry. Rules give complete control over the display of your log entries and can also help with analysis. You can add new filters automatically, bookmark log entries for a closer look, or even reset the log file to a clean state when an application is restarted.


WatchReset log entries after application restart. (0:47)

Automatic application rules.

Any Data Source

LogViewPlus can do more than just read log files. We support other data sources like databases, UDP, Syslog, Windows Event Tracing (ETW) and the Windows Event Log. LogViewPlus is highly extensible and we are committed to helping you view and analyze your logs regardless of the underlying format, protocol or storage method.

Open log files from anywhere.

Open Large Log Files

Struggling with 4GB log files in notepad? LogViewPlus loves large log files and can open a 500 MB log file in about 30 seconds (depending on your hardware). But LogViewPlus can also do something a bit smarter. It can divide the file into chunks and let you decide which chunk you are interested in. You can even open multiple chunks and then merge your logs as needed.


WatchSee how we manage large log files (1:19)

Transform text into another format.

Transform Text

When you work with parsed data you start to have new ideas on how that data can be used. Often these ideas will involve manipulating the data into another format. Text Transformations can apply a custom template to any column data so it can be adapted for use in another application.


WatchSee text transformations in action. (1:05)

Open large log files.

Easy Navigation

LogViewPlus has several features to help you quickly find what you are looking for, including a Navigation Bar on the far right of the application which shows bookmarks, errors and warnings. The navigation bar facilitates easy one-click scrolling.

There are also navigation options when filtering. For example, you can double-click a log entry and go to the root log file. All navigation options maintain the currently selected row, so you can stay focused on what is important.

Syntax Highlighting

When you look at a block of text, it can sometimes be hard to see the information you need. That's why LogViewPlus supports syntax highlighting on all log entries. Breaking up the text visually helps you process the information faster. LogViewPlus can even pretty-print XML or JSON log entries.

Syntax highlighting.

Extensible API

We work hard to help you get the most from your log files, but nobody knows your log files better than you. That's why we built LogViewPlus to be extensible. The ability to add additional features into the application, like custom filters and parsers, has always been a core part of the application design. Our extensible API will help you execute project specific log file analysis in record time.

Extend LogViewPlus.

Look & Feel

When you spend all day in and out of log files, you want to be using an application that is responsive and looks nice. That's why we put a lot of effort into creating a high performance application with a customizable appearance.

Change the look and feel.

All with Professional Support

When you purchase LogViewPlus, you get a professional product:

Well built.
We are dedicated to building a fantastic product that you will love.
Rock solid.
We take bugs seriously so you can expect LogViewPlus to 'just work'.
We are fully committed to helping you use our products successfully.
Virus free.
All of our products are code signed and guaranteed virus free.

We work hard to make rock solid software.
If you have questions, we are here to help.

Plus tons of other useful features!

Archive your analysis and upload it into another system for tracking.
Directory Monitors automatically detect and open new log files.
Quick statistics help you understand your logs with zero configuration.
Advanced message parsing extracts data from log entry messages.
Bookmarks and comments help you track important log entries.
A custom directory browser that makes it easy to find your log files.
LogViewPlus has extensive settings options for easy configuration.
A highly customizable grid view that lets you control visible data.
Templates can help you quickly apply common filter chains.
Add filters to a search results view for easier log entry lookup.
Advanced text search with regex, highlights, and wildcards.
LogViewPlus can automatically tail log files as they are rolled.
Copied log entries are pasted with formatting for sharing over email.
Create a temporary log file from your clipboard for easy data import.
Open a new SSH session for any SFTP file being monitored.
The Parser Configuration Wizard simplifies log parser configuration.
Session tracking collects and groups new log entries over time.
Elapsed time column is calculated for all log entries in every view.
Workspaces can remember and reload your log files and views.
Navigation Reports let you filter your log file using simple reports.
Export log entry views into other formats such as CSV or HTML.
SMTP event notifications can monitor log files and send emails.

Level up your log files in 2 minutes.

See how we can help you read and analyze log files with our free trial.