FIX Audit Log Insight

FIX messages are used by financial institutions to exchange market data. LogViewPlus makes it easy to parse, analyze and interpret FIX messages.

LogViewPlus Screenshot

Parse FIX messages to better understand market events. (2:09)

Video Highlight

Proactive monitoring of FIX messages in audit logs can help to quickly address issues and ensure market activities are executed reliably. LogViewPlus can help you understand FIX audit logs so you can streamline trading and support downstream systems.

Built-in FIX Parser

LogViewPlus has a built in FIX Parser which you can use to analyze your audit logs locally. By default, the parser requires no configuration and will be used automatically when opening an audit log that contains raw FIX messages. If FIX messages are logged with a timestamp, or using a non-standard field separator such as the pipe character, the parser can optionally be configured to better suit your needs.

FIX Parser

FIX Message Summaries

With over 100 different FIX message types and 1600 fields – FIX messages can be complex. When scanning a large amount of data, you need to work with a summary of the most important fields before diving into the detail. That's why LogViewPlus provides message definitions out of the box. You can configure the default definitions and decide which fields are most important on a per-message type basis.

FIX Messages

Custom FIX Dashboard

LogViewPlus includes a prebuilt dashboard which uses SQL to analyze FIX message data and graph the results, but this is only a starting point. The problem is there are so many possibilities with the FIX protocol, but you are probably only concerned with one particular aspect, for example static data or order timeline. With LogViewPlus, it is really easy to customize the default dashboard and create reports that help you dive in to the detail you care about. You can parse the FIX message, transform it with SQL and display it in a chart in a few seconds. This helps you adapt your analysis on demand to meet today's challenges.

FIX Messages per Minute

Messages Per Minute

SELECT CAST(Timestamp AS smalldatetime) AS Time, 
   COUNT(*) AS Entries
FROM CurrentView
GROUP BY CAST(Timestamp AS smalldatetime)

Messages Per Minute by Type

SELECT PIVOT(Time, Type, Entries) FROM (
   SELECT MsgType AS Type, 
      CAST(Timestamp AS smalldatetime) AS Time, 
      COUNT(*) AS Entries
   FROM CurrentView
   WHERE MsgType IN (
      SELECT TOP 5 MsgType 
      FROM CurrentView GROUP BY MsgType ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC)
   GROUP BY MsgType, CAST(Timestamp AS smalldatetime)

Explore with SQL

LogViewPlus uses a custom SQL engine based on Transact-SQL which makes it is easy to transform your data. The SQL engine works with the parsed log entry data already in memory. So query execution is super fast while avoiding the need to put your data into another system. Fast query execution based on a standard query language makes LogViewPlus a great tool for exploring your logs to gain new insight. Check out our documentation for more information about creating custom reports.

FIX Message Types

Common Message Types

SELECT CASE WHEN RowNumber > 9 THEN 'Other' 
   ELSE MsgType END AS Type, SUM(Count) AS Count 
   FROM (
      SELECT MsgType, COUNT(*) AS Count,
      FROM CurrentView
      GROUP BY MsgType
GROUP BY CASE WHEN RowNumber > 9 THEN 'Other' 
   ELSE MsgType END

Common Message Type Drill Down

SELECT * FROM CurrentView
WHERE MsgType = '${Type}'

Plus tons of other useful features!

LogViewPlus can help you with a lot more than just FIX audit log analysis. LogViewPlus is a full featured log file analysis program. Check out some of our other great features in our short video tutorials.

Archive your analysis and upload it into another system for tracking.
Directory Monitors automatically detect and open new log files.
Quick statistics help you understand your logs with zero configuration.
Advanced message parsing extracts data from log entry messages.
Bookmarks and comments help you track important log entries.
A custom directory browser that makes it easy to find your log files.
LogViewPlus has extensive settings options for easy configuration.
A highly customizable grid view that lets you control visible data.
Templates can help you quickly apply common filter chains.
Add filters to a search results view for easier log entry lookup.
Advanced text search with regex, highlights, and wildcards.
LogViewPlus can automatically tail log files as they are rolled.
Copied log entries are pasted with formatting for sharing over email.
Create a temporary log file from your clipboard for easy data import.
Open a new SSH session for any SFTP file being monitored.
The Parser Configuration Wizard simplifies log parser configuration.
Session tracking collects and groups new log entries over time.
Elapsed time column is calculated for all log entries in every view.
Workspaces can remember and reload your log files and views.
Navigation Reports let you filter your log file using simple reports.
Export log entry views into other formats such as CSV or HTML.
SMTP event notifications can monitor log files and send emails.

Level up your log files in 2 minutes.

See how we can help you read and analyze log files with our free trial.