Allow splitting by placeholder in distinct values drill down

Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)Junior Member (77 reputation)
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Posts: 15, Visits: 30
Hello all,
when viewing the frequency of a specific value in the "distinct values" drill down, I only get one large column.
LogViewPlus is intelligently lumping all similar messages together that only differ in specific values (like id of an object)
It would be nice to be able to split up this column along the different values in this placeholder.

Best Regards,

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the feedback. 

Reporting is the number one area where we want to improve at the moment.  The current reports are likely to be significantly rewritten and we have already taken steps to support more advanced views of the data.

Every log entry in LogViewPlus that has a 'Message' also has a 'Message Template'.  This is a hidden column by default, but you can add it into your view and use it for filtering.

If I am understanding your request correctly, you want to report on the parameterized values - "Alice" in the example above.  This is exactly what we are trying to build. 

Building this functionality requires three different functional areas: 
 - Parsing and extracting the data automatically without impacting performance. 
 - Improving our reporting to really take advantage of the new data.
 - Updating the log entry grid to automatically show the parameters rather than the message when appropriate.

All three of these changes are significant and will take time.  Once complete, they will form the core of LogViewPlus 3.0.

In the meantime, the best approach for extracting the values is to filter on Message Template and then save the target log entries as a separate log file.  This log file can then be loaded with a different parser which makes extracting the values easy.

Hope that helps,

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Posts: 15, Visits: 30
Hi Toby,

thanks for the info. So apart from using a second log file, I will wait patiently for the version 3.0 update.

all the best,

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Thanks for your patience Daniel.  We are working towards this goal incrementally with a final 3.0 release in the next 6 - 9 months.


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