Opening a non structured text file with LogViewerPlus

Sami Fennich
Sami Fennich
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Is there any way to allow LogviewerPlus to open a normal text file, having no structure, just printing the lines, without need of any parser ?
Some could ask : "why ? you have notepad++, right ?"
The benefit here is that you can then use all the filtering and  highlighting options of LogViewerPlus...
Does this make sense ?

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Hi Sami,

This is not currently possible.

LogViewPlus expects to find multiple log entries in a log file.  The minimum definition of a log entry is that it must have a timestamp plus some other data.  Failure to read log entries is considered a 'bad parse' by LogViewPlus and the workflow moves to parsing the file correctly.

Hope that helps,

Sami Fennich
Sami Fennich
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Hi Toby,

I know that this is currently not possible, and that’s why I put it as new feature request. 
Many time-based features will not work, and then ? They can just become inactive, that's it. 

"filter after" and "filter before" can then use line number.

Just imagine text files, like server reboot log, heat template, or just a huge text file.. Filtering and highlighing features in LogViewPlus are great,  and it would be pity to not be able to use them in such cases...
Anyway,  it was just a wish 🙂

Edited 3 Years Ago by Sami Fennich
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Sami,

Thanks for the feedback. 

This is something we will need to consider as there are scenarios where data needs to be joined from different sources.  One possible solution would be to generate dates automatically on a per-line basis to force the file to look like a log file.  This is in consideration, but it is not currently on our road map.


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