Easy Text Exclude

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I’d like to place an enhancement request for quick filtering. In many occasions, I find myself highlighting a piece of text in the log entry text box, with the goal to exclude it. It is already possible to do so with right-click->Text Filter Ok->dialog->Click Exclude->Select filter level. What I am looking for a single right-click on a text “Exclude on current filter”. Is that something we can plan on doing in coming release?
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I will see if we can add a new “exclude text” command to the Log Entry Box context menu. I would not want to add this command to the Log Entry Grid as I think it is a little bit niche and the grid context menu already has a lot of commands.

Thanks for the suggestion!


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I just wanted to request the exact same feature :-). It would really help a lot to have an "Instant exclude Text Filter" available.
Just as a thought how about switching from "Instant Text Filter " to "Instant exclude Text Filter" via pressing e.g. the ALT key and then click on the log entry? Maybe this helps a little bit to prevent the overloading of the context menu
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Thanks for the feedback!

This feature is working in development now and I am hoping to release into BETA in the next few days.  The new feature basically works like this:

The new "Exclude This" command works off of the context menu when text is highlighted.  This command has also been added to the Thread and Logger columns.  When selected, a new "exclude text" filter is created at the current level.  It didn't really make sense to me to add leveling to this command (see "Instant Text Filter On...") because you almost always want to do this at the current level.

So, that should be released in the next few days.  In the meantime, I just wanted to point out that this functionality is currently available by selecting "CTRL + I" to invert the filter.

Hope that helps,


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I just wanted to let you know that we have just released the 'Exclude This' feature discussed above in our new BETA release - v2.3.14.

Thanks again,


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