LogViewPlus 2.3.16

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
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Today we are announcing LogViewPlus v2.3.16.  We spent a lot of time on this release on merging log files and filters - trying to make the process more intuitive as well as adding some new functionality.  The new merge functionality includes:

1.  Complex merge filters can now be edited.
2.  Double-clicking on a log file, now brings up the 'Create Merge' dialog if more than one log file is open.
3.  Merge files can now be edited through the dialog.

Here is our new merge filter dialog in action. It works by associating multiple existing filters under a parent node operation of either AND or OR.  Operation nodes can then have child operation nodes which allow the process to continue.  It helps to think of the operation nodes as wrapping a parenthesis around all of the child nodes.  For example, the screenshot below could be translated as: (trans AND warn AND (After OR ...))

Another cool feature in this release is the new "Exclude This" command:

This command makes it really easy to create an 'exclude text' filter.  I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical of this command at first, but having used it for a few days, I think it is a great addition.

And, of course, this release contains the usual list of bug fixes and minor improvements.  For more information, please see our release notes:  https://www.logviewplus.com/releasenotes.html

Up next - database access.  We have been working on this feature for several months and it is finally starting to come together.  Hopefully, this will be ready for the next release.


LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
Group: Moderators
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 4K
We have identified a serious bug in this release where Logger and Thread filters may return incorrect results if they are persisted and restored.  Note that merges of these filter types may cause persist / restore calls behind the scenes.

If you believe you may be impacted by this issue, please download our latest beta version which resolves the issue:

Due to the seriousness of this issue we will be releasing our current beta into production sooner than planned.  Probably in the next few days.

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
Group: Moderators
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 4K
The issue with logger and thread persistence is now resolved in the latest release - v2.3.18.

Merge Selected

Merge into selected topic...

Merge into merge target...

Merge into a specific topic ID...

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