shared credentials between servers

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 11, Visits: 43
It's great being able to easily grab remote server logs over SFTP and SCP, but I am dreading the day when I have to change my password. As far as I can tell so far, I will need to change my password for each separate server. 

It could be very helpful if I could save a set (or several) of credentials, and then for setting up a server, just select the set of credentials from a drop down menu (or create new).

I also concur and would like to extend the idea of using SSH key-based authentication (the `-i` option to scp). This could help work around the issue above where I may just need to update the SSH key instead of needing the change the password for each server.

Thank you!
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Thanks for the feedback.

It's not obvious, but what LogViewPlus but when you change a password is prompt to ask if you ​​would like to also change the password for all instances of the same username.  This is kind of a poor man's "account management".  We have decided to not go down the full credential management route for now primarily because we do not want to overcomplicate the application.  

Please let me know if this approach will not work for you.  I will need to investigate the "scp -i" option a bit further. 


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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 11, Visits: 43
I hadn’t realized that. I hadn’t had to actually change a password yet, so I’m glad to hear it might not be so bad. Thanks!

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