Batch bookmark creation

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 24, Visits: 82
The bookmark tool is very handy. Being able to create multiple bookmarks at once would make it easier to use.
I.e., I filter on a specific text/issue. Select some or all results using CTRL click, CTRL+A, hold Shift etc and then press F9​. All selected become bookmarks. Right now (2.4.30), only the last one selected becomes a bookmark. I have to click on each one and press F9.
Even better, allow CTRL+F9 to batch create and annotate all at the same time!!​
I can already deselect bookmarks in batches using the bookmark​ tab in window below.

Bill G.​​​​​
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Hi Bill,

Thanks for the feedback.

I think the batch selection / marking is a good idea.  I will see what I can do for the next release.

Batch annotation is interesting.  I will need to have a think about this to make sure it is implemented in an intuitive way.  I can see where it would be a helpful feature.

Will post back here when a beta release is available.

Thanks again,

LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Bill,

I just wanted to let you know that we have now released LogViewPlus v2.4.31 into BETA. This version allows multiple bookmarks or annotations to be set at the same time. You can download it from:

To set multiple bookmarks, select several rows and then hit the press the Bookmark Log Entry command or press F9.

The action taken will depend on the state of the 'focused' row.  There can only ever be one focused row - it is always the last one clicked or selected.  In the above screenshot, the focused row is dark blue and near the bottom.

Using the screenshot as an example, the focused row is already bookmarked.  This determines the action taken.  Therefore, pressing F9 will clear all bookmarks.  Pressing it again will set all bookmarks.  A third press will clear all bookmarks.  It is a little confusing, but hopefully it will make sense when you start using the feature.

Setting multiple annotations is a little more straight-forward.  Start by selecting all target rows and pressing the Bookmark Notes command (CTRL+F9).  A note window will open allowing you to modify the notes.  If all of the selected rows have this same bookmark notes, then this window will control the notes for all selected rows.  If one of the rows has a different note, then this window will control the notes for the focused row only.  

Hope that makes sense.  Please let me know if you have any further questions or issues.


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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 24, Visits: 82
Works "As Advertised"!!
Love it! Thanks.
Bill G.
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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That's good to hear Bill - thanks for letting me know!

This has now been officially released in v2.4.34.



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