Start automatically with Windows

Brad Konia
Brad Konia
I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 67, Visits: 105
I'd like to request a setting in the Startup Settings section to automatically run LVP after logging in to Windows. I know it's easy enough to do this manually, but I feel that it's cleaner to have the application itself handle adding/removing the registry setting.
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
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Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 4K
Thanks for the suggestion Brad.

I think this is a good idea and I can see it working well with some of the existing settings including 'Run in notification area' and 'Open last workspace'.

Let me have a look.  I think this should be a small change, so maybe we can squeeze it into the current release cycle.

Thanks again,

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
Group: Moderators
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 4K
Hi Brad,

I wanted to let you know that we have just released LogViewPlus v2.5.36 as a BETA release.  This version includes a new setting to configure LogViewPlus to run at startup.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Hope that helps.

Brad Konia
Brad Konia
I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)I'm into this (385 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 67, Visits: 105
This works well. However, I have a couple of suggested improvements/fixes:

1. I have the Automatically Open Last Workspace option enabled, but it doesn't work. I just rebooted my computer and LVP opened automatically, but it did not open the last workspace.

2. Could you add an option to open only in the system tray? Having it open automatically is not that convenient, if I then have to manually close it to the tray. The idea is to have it always running unobtrusively in the background.
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
Group: Moderators
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 4K
Thanks for the feedback Brad.

Both of these issues surprise me as LogViewPlus should be opening minimized.  I will put this on the list to investigate before the next release.

Thanks again,

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)Supreme Being (6.2K reputation)
Group: Moderators
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 4K
Hi Brad,

I have taken a look at this issue in the latest beta release - v2.5.47.  I was able to recreate the issue locally and the problem should now be resolved.

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.


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