LogViewPlus 3.0.19

LogViewPlus Support
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LogViewPlus v3.0.19 is now available.  This release introduces the concept of a pre-built dashboard by embedding a new W3C dashboard.  This means that when you open a new W3C log file (such as an IIS log), you will be given the option to add a pre-built dashboard showing information like requests per minute, response times and active users. 

This new capability shows the future of LogViewPlus.  We want to continue to invest in our reporting engine while also giving users effortless log analysis with a pre-built dashboard library.  This vision explains a lot of the features we have added since our 3.0 release.  There has a been a big focus on the SQL engine, but going forward we expect the effort to shift toward per-built dashboards.

Have an idea for a pre-built dashboard?  If you know of a widely used log file format which is ripe for a detailed dashboard - let us know!  Now that we have the right toolset, we are actively looking for new dashboard ideas.

Another cool feature we have added in this release is SSH URL integration.  This allows you to open a new SSH terminal session right from LogViewPlus.  This is really helpful for quick server access if you notice an issue in your logs.

The last thing I want to highlight is Custom SQL Functions.  This was actually introduced in v3.0.16, but we have now updated the documentation and provide a sample implementation.  Custom functions are a great way to expand our SQL engine to help you get the most out of your log files.

What's Next?  We are excited about this one - Java GC log file analysis.  Java GC log files come in a wide variety of formats so parsing and analysis should be a lot of fun.  We think this is a great opportunity to show what LogViewPlus can do while extending our pre-built dashboard library.

That's it for now. Check out the latest release and let us know what you think!



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