Export Log Entries to HTML Formatted Incorrectly

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I would like to export my selection from the current log file to a PDF that I can email to my coworkers.

I have tried exporting to HTML but the web page is formatted improperly with the rows too short. 

I also tried Copy Column Values into a spreadsheet but it includes include carriage returns that cause the Message column to fall out of alignment with the others.

I really value this software for parsing XML based log files, could you please make improvements to its export abilities?

A text file that resembles the current GUI (using tabs for delims) would be absolutely ideal. PDF would be great too.

John Pooley
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi John,

Thanks for reporting this issue. 

This feature is actually provided by a third-party (DevExpress) so we don't have much control over the export. The export is driven directly from the grid which attempts to maintain the grid appearance. It looks like the HTML export is being impacted by your DPI setting - are you scaling the monitor which is running LogViewPlus?  If you are familiar with HTML you may be able to easily modify the row height setting manually with a find replace.  Alternatively, exporting as a CSV file may be the better option.

The Copy Column Values command is designed to include carriage returns if they are part of the underlying data - regardless of the value displayed in the grid.  Again, exporting as a CSV file may be the better option.

You may also want to check out Text Transformations.  This gives much more flexibility in the output format.

Hope that helps,


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