How to tail multiple files from FTP at the same time

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Hi Jared,

I just wanted to let you know that we have now released LogViewPlus v2.4.31 into BETA which should resolve this issue. You can download it from:

Thanks again for bringing this problem to my attention!

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Hi Jared,

I have been able to recreate and resolve this issue.  I was hoping to get a beta release out this week, but due to an unrelated issue this has now been delayed.  I should have something for you early next week.

I will post back here when the beta release is ready.


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Hello, Any update?
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Hi Toby,

I always update LogViewPlus to the newest version, It's an awesome tool.


LogViewPlus Support
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Thanks for the update Jared.

I will need to take a closer look and get back to you.  I will try and recreate the problem locally on my end.

I am assuming you are using the latest version of LogViewPlus.  Please let me know if this is not the case.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

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Hi Toby,

Thanks for your reply!

I can tail file, monitor directory with local files.
And tail only one file over FTP is succeed too.

I use IIS 6.2 (build 9200) (version 8.5.9600.16384) on Windows server 2012 R2 with hotfix KB3030736 (for 550 file locked bug)
And LogViewPlus transaction log has the following logs when I try to tail multiple logs over FTP :

ERROR Another operation is pending.
ERROR Error while processing request: Another operation is pending.
WARN Error while attempting disconnect: Another operation is pending.
INFO Retrying operation.

But when I try to monitor directory over FTP, the transaction log has nothing.
Only directory monitors show the FTP path, remote file block has nothing too.

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Hi Jared,

Tailing multiple files shouldn't be a problem.  Also, Directory Monitors should work fine over FTP.  

I think the issue here might have something to do with your FTP connection, or possibly the files you are trying to open.

Are you able to open and parse the files individually?  Can you give me any more details about the FTP server you are using?  If you were to try the same operation with local files (the same files) does it work as expected?


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I want to tail multiple files from FTP at the same time
But when I open the second file, the log viewer won't load the file.
It just shows progress is Monitoring in remote file block.

And I try to use the Monitor Directory feature over FTP.
But when I set up the folder information and validate the result is I want.
Then click Open, It's nothing happened.

How can I tail or monitor multiple files over FTP?


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