LogViewPlus 2.5.14

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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LogViewPlus v2.5.14 is now available. Our plan for this release was to add some quick polish to v2.5, but as the release progressed we discovered more areas to focus on. The result is a ton of minor enhancements which collectively add up to a much more polished and intuitive product. Check out the release notes for a full list of enhancements.

There is one major new feature which I want to highlight. LogViewPlus has a new Save Analysis command which can be used to export, compress, and share all of your current views.

Using this command, LogViewPlus can save your analysis into a zip file format. The data will be saved as CSV files and binary metadata will be provided to allow LogViewPlus to recreate your filters if necessary.

There are two use cases where we see this command being helpful. First, zip compression of text data is very effective, so this is a great way to archive interesting log files. Second, it allows you to save your entire analysis in a way that can be easily shared with others or uploaded into a tracking system such as Jira.

The ability to share your log file analysis is really powerful. Try it out and let us know what you think.

What's next for LogViewPlus?

We have two major enhancements planned for our next release.

First, we want to add a rules processing engine similar to Microsoft Outlook. We have a number of feature requests from users looking for a way to take a specific action which would be difficult to configure as an independent feature. The fun part of this feature is going to be thinking of new ways to use it, but we have two examples to give you an idea:

1. A rule to clear all log entries when certain text is found. You could use this rule to clear all log entries when an application is restarted.

2. A rule to implement custom row coloring when the elapsed time from the previous entry exceeds a threshold. You could use this rule to highlight poor performance.

Second, we want to add more intelligence into log file parsing. Specifically, we want to make the relationship between log file and log parser one-to-many rather than one-to-one. The way this will work is that a log file could be matched with multiple parsers. The parser which is able to generate the best results based on some heuristics will be the parser used to process the log file. This is a major change for LogViewPlus, but it is important for customers who find they have multiple log files with similar names and different underlying formats.

That's all the news for now. Check out the latest release and let us know what you think.



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