Grid View Layout persistance

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I've been using LogView Plus for a few months now and I have to say it really is a wonderful, mature product.
I have two questions:

a) I almost always work with multiple log files merged into one (i.e. several large IIS log files from multiple servers). I adjust column order and width, and remove a few columns until I have the layout that allows me to analyse the file efficiently.
Unfortunately it seems LogView Plus is not able to save these adjustments to the Grid View Layout within my Workspace. This really is a mayor annoyance since I have to repeat the same tedious steps every time I load or refresh the results in the grid view pane.
Question: Would you consider implementing a mechanism that allows saving of the GridView Layout not only for individual but also for merged log files?

b) it seems when using the Pattern Parser I lose the ability to  change GridView or Message Size:

The Grid View and Message Size UI elements are disabled. This is not the case when using for example the JsonParser. This is particularly cumbersome because it makes it difficult to enable the horizontal scroll bar (have to go into Settings to achieve this).
Question: is this by design? Is there a way to change this behavior so that  the usual Grid View and Message Size options are also available in connection with the Pattern Parser?

Thanks in advance.
Edited 3 Years Ago by Martrin
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Martrin,

Thanks for the feedback - glad to hear you are finding LogViewPlus useful.  :-)

Column settings are saved with the parser configuration.  Preserving the column order of merged files is tricky because there is no configuration - they are generated in memory on the fly. 

In your case, it sounds like all files in the merge share the same parser configuration.  What we could do is have the merge file use the same settings as the underlying files if all files have the same configuration.  Would this help?

Most of the Grid View and Message Size settings are specific to the log entry Message column.  As your log entries do not contain a Message, the commands are disabled.

However, as you pointed out, this behavior is not correct as the 'Allow Horizontal Scroll' should still be available - even if no Message column exists.  I will fix this issue for the next release later this week.

Hope that helps,


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Hi Toby,
thanks for the quick reply.

You are right, in my case all the individual files underlying the merged file have the same configuration. Your suggestion would definitely help.
Thank you also for looking into the "Allow Horizontal Scroll" issue.

Have a nice day,

Edited 3 Years Ago by LogViewPlus Support
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Thanks for the confirmation.  I will take a look at the merge file issue as well.

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Martin,

I just wanted to let you know that we have now released LogViewPlus 2.5.12 as BETA release.  This release resolves the issue you raised above regarding the 'Horizontal Scroll' issue.

I have also taken a look into the merge file issue.  A minor change was made in this release regarding some of the default columns, but basically the existing behavior appears to work as described above.  If you are having difficulty with merge file column settings, it may be because:
1.  The underlying log files have different column settings.
2.  You are using an older version of LogViewPlus.

Can you please try and recreate the issue with the latest BETA release?  If the issue persists, I may need a more detailed bug report (screenshots / sample log entries might help).

Hope that helps,

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Hi Toby,
thanks for providing a fix so quickly and sorry for my belated response.
Regarding the 2.5.14 release:
- Horizontal scrollbar: can now be activated from the Context Menu - great.
- Merge file issue: on closer inspection it turned out, that some of the IIS log files hat an x-forwarded-for column, others did not. Once I removed the ones with the additional header from the merge collection the adjustments to the grid view were persisted across sessions.

Thanks again for you help! :-)

LogViewPlus Support
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Glad to hear that helped Martin - thanks for letting me know!


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