Export Log Entries Options

Andrew Salive
Andrew Salive
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Posts: 1, Visits: 4
I would love a way to have the Exported Log Entries also display the text that i had highlighted.   It would also be nice to be able to export only selected lines from a view.

I love this program for the ability to merge logs into a single view, and be able to parse out the text.  I review logs on systems have many log, and the ability to merge them all into one view is great.  However, I also like to provide a "Findings" page when I have completed a review for a customer.  I love being able to export to the HTML, but it does not keep my highlights so it makes the final report a bit more difficult.   If i could maintain the highlighted text, or be able to select specific lines of a view for the export it would make this great program perfect (for me).

I am a fairly new user to the program so i am sure there is much more to discover.  this could already be a thing, and I have just not found it yet.  Keep up the good work on it.
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the feedback.

Try copying the selected log entries with CTRL+C and pasting them into Wordpad or an email client.  Log entries are copied as Rich Text and maintain highlighting / coloring rules.

You might also try saving your analysis.  This feature maintains your view (including filters and notes) in a parser independent way so it can be easily viewed by another LogViewPlus user.

Finally, if the target log entries are sequential, you can select 'Filter Between' to create a filter which can then be exported.  This does not solve the highlighting issue, but it might still be helpful.

Hope that helps,



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