Gracefully Handle Large Log Lines

Mike Ciechan
Mike Ciechan
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We occasionally get really large single log lines (100mb+)

The application crashes the moment you click (often accidentally) on the log line.

See the attached 7zipped log file, parse using `%m%n` Pattern Parser, and click on the JSON row.
Mike Ciechan
Mike Ciechan
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Couldn't attach file as its too big. See here

Or generate a text file as follows


And use a Pattern Parser with 

Mike Ciechan
Mike Ciechan
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Ideally the IDE should have a safety check before trying to render such large line. with options of what to do that can be remembered. Try to render (can run forever), show only first x MB / Chars or something. Or be able to turn off any "fancy" highlighting features/word wrap if that makes a difference
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Thanks for reporting this issue Mike.

I will take a look before the next release as I am sure we can improve the behaviour.  Your suggestions for improvement are excellent ideas - thanks!

In the meantime, the situation may improve if you disable syntax highlighting.
LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Mike,

Just a quick note to let you know that we have now released LogViewPlus v3.0.24 as a BETA release.

This release addresses the "large text / performance" issue discussed above.  We spent quite a bit of time looking into this problem which was related not only to syntax highlighting, but also search result highlighting and the sheer amount of data being displayed in the underlying control.  Ultimately, we decided that you cannot really analyse 100 MB of text in a 3 inch text box anyway, so in the latest version we will display up to 50 KB of the message by default and give the user a choice as shown below:

You can either:
1. Overrride - This will disregard the 50 KB limit and load the text into LogViewPlus anyway.  For very large log entries, this may take some time.
2. Open in Editor - This will open just the selected log entry in you configured text editor (or the Windows default text editor if one is not provided).

Note that this fix impacts message display only.  All other features of the application (such as search) are not impacted.

Hope that helps.  Thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention.

Edited 8 Months Ago by LogViewPlus Support

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