Closing multiple files without viewing them

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It would be nice to be able to close multiple files (in the Log Files & Filters view) without viewing them since it can be quite time consuming as it is now. Similarly, it would be nice to be able to right click and bring out the context meny for an entry in the same view without switching to that log.
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The bottom of the file context menu has a number of close operations which allow a file to be closed without selection.  Do any of those options meet your needs?

For more information, please see:

On the second point, it's not clear what you are trying to do.  Are you trying to view the context menu for a log entry without selecting it?
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The second point connects with the first, because as soon as I right click on an entry (file or filter) the log view (log entry grid) updates to that filter/file. This means that in order to bring forth the context menu and the close options, the log view first have to load which may take some notable time for large logs.

When right clicking on a file (with latest version 3.0.22) I only have "Close Log File", see screenshot below. However, from what I can see in the documentation you linked, the "Close" options does not cover all my needs. I'd like to close not "All" or "All but", but rather a custom subset of files. "Close Source Files" is good for merges, but does not cover all scenarios. It's would be nice with multiselect (using e.g. Ctrl+click" or similar) and then choose to close those somehow, or a different file view perhaps?

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That screenshot is very interesting. It looks like you are missing about 7 commands. Looking at the code, I can't see any reason why these commands would be missing and I am unable to recreate the issue locally. I can see that the missing commands do not have icons set (which may be relevant). My Analyzers appears to be an exception, but this is a special command with visibility explicitly set.

If you right-click in the Workspace area, but not on a log file, you should see the Workspace context menu which also contains the additional close options. I would be interested to know if this context menu is appearing correctly (as shown in the documentation).

If the files you want to close are part of the same Directory Monitor, you could consider adding a Category to the Directory Monitor configuration. This would give you additional close options.

Adding a separate dialog for closing files would be a bit unusual. I cannot think of another application that does this, although I am sure some do exist. I also want to avoid over complicating the application as I think there are already a large number of close options.

Selecting a log file causes the Log Entry Grid to refresh to the newly selected view. This behaviour cannot be changed. I could look into adding multi-select as an option. This is something we looked into in the past and decided against, but it may be worth revisiting.
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The workspace menu does not look like in documentation either.

I'm not using Directory Monitor unfortunately.

Regarding multi-select.. It would be nice for example if selecting additional entries (after the first one) the Log Entry Grid would not change, i.e. it would always show the single/first selected entry.

Regarding not selecting on right click.. What I am looking for is something like the behavior of Windows Explorer, where you can have one folder selected in the tree view with its content shown in the "file" view and then right click on another folder in the tree view to bring up the context menu for that without the "file" view changing.

The major reason why I find the "single close" approach problematic is because I experienced that it took some time for each file/filter to load in the Log Entry Grid after closing a file (or maybe it was the closing itself that took time?), assuming beacuse the log files I usually have open are large ~500MB.

The reason why I would like to be able to right click without selecting is because I would like to keep the current content in the Log Entry Grid when I for example want to close another file or copy another filter (this includes draging and dropping a filter). It's annoying to "lose" the current view in such cases.
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It looks like the workspace menu has the same problem in that commands without an icon are not being displayed.   This is likely an issue with a third party component provider, but it will need to be resolved before the next release.  Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.

It's a good point about the size of the log file and I can see where this might cause issues - particularly when closing as memory will be released.  Let me look into the workspace multi-select idea and see what can be done before the next release.
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Just a quick note to let you know that we have now released LogViewPlus v3.0.24 as a BETA release.

This release adds the ability to Ctrl+Click to select multiple items in the Files & Filters view:

Selection occurs without changing the log entry grid view, so there should be no impact on performance.  The grid view remains associated with the 'focused' item.  This can be identified in the screenshot above by the white dotted border around the focused selection.

The context menu for the selection then includes a number of options including the "Close View" command we discussed above.  The first option in the context menu is "Merge", but note that this option will only be enabled if all items in the selection are of the same type (either files or filters). 

Hope that helps. Thanks for the great suggestion!

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Really nice! Thanks!

There is a similar small improvement I'd like to see; right clicking on a non-selected entry should only bring up the context menu for that item, without selecting it. Items in tree views are typically not selected when right clicking in Windows. This would allow me to e.g. copy a non-selected filter and apply to my current entry without unnecessary switching of Log Entry Grid content.

I have another feature wish.. Smile It would be nice if selecting a cell that extends beyond the screen in the Log Entry Grid wouldn't scroll the grid horizontally. I tend to, naturally without thinking, click on the "Message" column when I want to inspect an entry closer. Since I have that column much wider than what the screen allows, it results in the grid being scrolled so that that column begins the visible area of the grid view, which in turn hides other important columns like date and time, and I'm forced to scroll back left. This also happens when I press the "End" key to go to the end of the file (and enable auto-scroll).
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Thanks for the feedback - glad to hear that helps.  I think in the next release, we will try to add a "copy filters" command as well if only filters are selected.

In LogViewPlus the focused item still drives the presented view.  If you right clicked, it would either involve a change of focus, additional selection, or no selection at all.  No selection at all makes it a little confusing to know what you are working with.  Especially with features like "Delete File", I think it is best that the main context menu is driven by full focus.

The scroll behaviour is largely driven by a third party component.  I will look into if this can be implemented, possibly as a configuration option.  I suspect some users might prefer the current behaviour.

Thanks again,

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Just a note; Microsoft have used the approach where they slightly highlight the tree view item being hovered over and allowing right clicking on an item without selecting it. Since they have the hover highlightning, it's not very confusing what item you'are operating on.


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