File Context Menu

File Context Menu

The file context menu is available whenever you right-click on a file or merged file in LogViewPlus.


Merge Log File

1. Merge Log File

Double-clicking on a log file will bring up the Merge File Dialog with the current log file selected.  If the current file is a merge file, the dialog will have all of the constituent parts selected and the action will be to edit the merge file by adding or removing files.


Cut Filters

2. Cut Filters

Cuts all of the filters currently set on this log file to the clipboard. If these filters are later pasted within this LogViewPlus session, the selected filters will be moved.


Copy Filters

3. Copy Filters

Copies all of the filters currently set on this log file to the clipboard.

Filters are copied to the clipboard as plain text. This allows them to be easily shared with other LogViewPlus users.


File System

4. File System

The file system menu contains a number of commands to help you work with files directly through the file system:

Copy Path
Copies the full path to the current log file to the clipboard.
Open in Text Editor
Opens the file in your default text editor.
Open Directory
Opens the directory in Log Explorer.
Explore Directory
Opens the file in Windows Explorer.
Delete File
Permanently removes the file from the file system.



5. Paste

If a filter has been copied to the clipboard, the paste filter command will apply it to the currently selected log file or view.

If the clipboard contains plain text, it will be converted into a Text Filter.


Save Template

6. Save Template

The save template command allows you to save all of the filters which are currently applied to the log file as a template.  Any information associated with the filter such as notifications or notes will also be saved.

Saving filter templates helps you to quickly reapply them later.


Apply Templates

7. Apply Templates

The apply templates command will show a list of all pre-saved templates. Selecting a template will apply it to the current log file.


Add Filter

8. Add Filter

The add filter command displays a list of all filters which are currently available in the filter toolbar. These commands are identical and provided here for convenience only.


My Analyzers

9. My Analyzers

This command can be used to run a custom analyzer.  This command will only be available if a custom analyzer plugin has been detected by the LogViewPlus instance.


Tail Log File

10. Tail Log File

The Tail Log File command will toggle tailing the log file.


Navigation Reports

11. Navigation Reports

Opens the

Navigation Reports

window. This window will display the currently selected log file as a graph base report which can then be filtered.


My Reports

12. My Reports

If you have configured LogViewPlus to generate custom reports, those reports will be available for execution.  This command will not be visible if custom reports have not been configured.



13. Rename

Renames the currently selected log file.


Clear Entries

14. Clear Entries

Removes all log entries from the current log file. If the file is currently being tailed new entries will appear automatically.

The underlying log file will not be modified.  No changes will be written to disk.


Reload Commands

15. Reload Commands

Reloading the log file is useful if you have previously cleared all log entries and now need to see the cleared entries. It can also be helpful when you are modifying parser configurations, or to refresh a file which is not currently tailed.

The reload with encoding command allows you to reload a log file with one of the encodings provided in the Common Encodings application settings.


Set Category

16. Set Category

Setting a category for a log file will put it into a folder in the workspace.  Categories are useful for log file organization and will be saved as part of the workspace.  For example, you may have categories like UAT and PROD in order to separate environments.


Parser Wizard

17. Parser Wizard

Opens the Parser Wizard which can be used to quickly add or modify the parser configuration for the currently selected log file.


Log File Properties

18. Log File Properties

Opens the log file properties dialog.



19. Close

The close command brings up a sub-menu of different close options:

Close All
Closes all log files, filters, and directory monitors.
Close All But This
Closes all log files and filters except for the selected file.
Close Source Files
Closes all source log files.  Available for merge files only.
Close All Filters
Closes all filters across all log files.
Close View
Closes the current view.


Close View

20. Close View

Closes the current log file and any child views.

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