Usage After Expiry

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So I eventually found a version that worked, but again having problems with the hardware I got a new machine and although my license is valid for the version I have installed, it is not valid on the machine, so please can you deactivate my license on my old machine and allow me to activate it here? I would love to upgrade to your latest version, but $45 is a bit too steep. Do you not have upgrade pricing at all?

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Andy,

LogViewPlus is licensed per user so you are free to install it on multiple machines during the support period.  However, we do not have the ability to 'deactivate' a machine as this doesn't make sense for our licensing model.  

I can look into giving you a renewal coupon.  Can you please contact me privately with your existing license key details?


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Having just had a near-disastrous episode, and having had a motherboard blow up fairly recently, this issue of not allowing new installs outside the subscription period is again troubling me.
A really good application I used to use was Living Cookbook. Worked fine until a month ago when my AV decided to re-order my network connections, changing which was the default. This app then stopped working and needed re-authorising, but the servers were turned off some years ago. I never knew until this problem, and now I've lost every recipe I ever wrote in it. Some people lost over 10,000 recipes.
If support would re-authorise with a new machine that wouldn't be so bad (but still iffy - if the company disappears we're stuffed, and we will be at some point anyway because no PC lasts forever). But to refuse to do it unless the application is effectively paid for again is just terrible. The chances are that such a demand will be occurring when really serious problems are on-going and the last thing the user needs is chasing down companies to throw more money at them for something they've already paid for.
I would urge you, again, to reconsider this aspect. We discussed this via email earlier in the year and you said you would check out some examples I gave you (after you said you couldn't think of a single vendor who didn't do this). Did anything come of that? Apparently not.

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Dunkers,

Thanks for the feedback.

Sorry to hear about your computer hardware issues - those episodes are always stressful. I appreciate that 'losing' an application only adds to the frustration.

Rather than focusing on the cost of the application, I would encourage you to consider the value we add. We believe that LogViewPlus adds value far in excess of its upfront costs. This is especially true for people who work with software professionally. After the first year, costs decrease by 70% - 100% while the value added likely increases.

We believe LogViewPlus provides excellent value for money.

If you feel the cost of LogViewPlus does not cross the $45 threshold, then I would argue that the application is not right for you at any price - including free. If an application does not add $45 of value, who cares if it is free?

I would also like to point out that LogViewPlus is not a database centric application. We are not holding anyone's data hostage and I do not believe the comparison to Living Cookbook is fair. If LogViewPlus stops adding value, it is very easy for customers to walk away.

We have put a considerable amount of thought into our pricing model. The approach we are taking allows us to capture a small amount of the value we add over time - rather than upfront. We believe this is how most of our customers would prefer to pay.


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The problem is that LVP is jolly useful! One tends to orgnanise ones processes around it, rather than vice versa, so suddenly missing it would mean onward costs in time and money to get back to a working state. Or, more likely, a different working state. You are not holding data hostage, but imagine if you had a system crash and Windows stopped working. Your only choice is to use Linux or pay a costly support fee - they are not holding your data hostage either but it would be a serious disruption. How about your dev tools? Maybe on a new PC you have to buy Visual Studio all over again to get back to work. It's not what you want to do at that time, and another issue is that you forget, so it comes as a surprise just when you fire it up to use it for something.

Being dead useful to me is actually a bad selling point in this situation. I know I'm going to get bitten at some point, and the more useful it is the more pain that will cause. So I am encouraged to find a solution that doesn't have that upcoming pain associated with it. LVP is really very good and I appreciate the time we spent early on in fine tuning it. With any other app I would be perfectly satisfied with what it does for me, but I am actively looking at other log viewers. I am considering if my processes really need to be the way they are, if I can achieve a similar end, perhaps a bit less easily, with a different app.

LogViewPlus Support
LogViewPlus Support
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Thanks for the feedback Dunkers. 

I think your approach makes sense.  If you find that LogViewPlus is not providing value anymore - you should not purchase it.  If you do decide to more forward with LogViewPlus I can take a look at your license.  If your license expired less than one year ago, I may be able to offer you a discount on renewal.  Please feel free to contact me privately if this is the case.

Thanks again,


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