Store and load config on SMB

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We are working with many parser and different logfiles. With each new software / software release the configuration does increase.
For the moment it is required that a person does create a configuration template and shares this with the colleagues. The colleagues have to manually import the configuration into LogViewPlus.
This process works fine but requires manual work.

Improvement idea:
Within the LogViewPlus configuration it is possible to define a SMB share path for the configuration.
When you start LogViewPlus and the path for the SMB configuration is defined then LogViewPlus will automatically import the latest available configuration. In case the SMB path is not available then the last imported configuration will be used.

In the LogViewPlus configuration there should also be a simple tick-box like "Config Editor". Per default this box is not ticked.
If the box is ticked you are allowed to overwrite the config on the SMB share.
If the box is not ticket you get a message that you are not allowed to write the config to the SMB.

Maybe there is a chance to have a global SMB config + local config possible. This gives each user the chance to make use of the department wide configuration but also create a config on his own.

Best regards,
LogViewPlus Support
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Hi Matthias,

Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on where we can make LogViewPlus better.

You have made two other comments this morning which I think are related:

Adding all three comments together - I think it is fair to say that the existing template feature is just not meeting your needs. Thinking about it, the Templating feature is really "individual focused". The idea is that it is a simple, time saving feature that is easy for new users to learn and understand.

Thinking about templates from a team perspective - complete with documentation - really changes things. It's almost a completely separate feature.

So, I think if we build on your idea above, we could have an application setting which determines whether you want a "Individual Template" or "Team Template" workflow. Individual will be the default because I think it will have a simpler use case and be easier to learn.

This setting would then give us a clean slate to rethink how Templates could work for teams.

I am thinking that templates should be saved to a directory outside of LogViewPlus with the directory configured as an application setting. You could then build the structure however you liked and include documentation in the directory structure (for example, Word documents).

The "Add Template" menu would then become hierarchical - mirroring the directory structure.

Your question highlighted one problem with this approach - users will still need to manage Personal templates which are not shared. I don't have a great solution for this yet, but I think once users are comfortable with managing templates in an external folder it should be easy to separate the different use cases.

...and I think the above is probably enough to start work on a version 1. Additional features can be added later.

Any thoughts? If you are happy with the above approach, I will consolidate the other to threads here to keep the conversation focused.

Thanks again!

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Hi Toby,

thanks a lot for your feedback. I've spoken to my colleagues and we agree that this is a good way to start. :-)
It is a good idea to handle all points in this discussion.

If I understand your point correctly then you want to store the documentation in e.g. a word file which can be opened by the application. I was more thinking about an integration in the LogViewPlus.

Please see my example in the picture which I hope makes it better understandable.

Within a new column in LogViewPlus information from a LogViewPlus knowledgebase can be shown. In case that you do not want to show the information just hide the column.
The message can be displayed based on trigger e.g.
- parser = serverlog
- message contains "Trying to access web file."

This means for normal user the column is simply not available/ shown and therefore the software keeps easy. If you want to use the functionality then you can enable the column and feed it with information.
The knowledge base should be available for the team but I can imagine that it can also be very useful for standalone versions.

What do you think?

Best regards,
LogViewPlus Support
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Thanks Matthias,

Yes - I was thinking that documentation could be stored in the folder with the templates, but not necessarily opened by LogViewPlus.  LogViewPlus would just ignore anything in the directory which is not a template.

I like your documentation idea and I can see where it would be helpful.  Yesterday, we spoke briefly about Triggers.  As you indicated, the feature you outlined above could be implemented as a Trigger, but I think the action should be to add a bookmark with a note.  The advantage of this approach is that it is a bit more widely applicable to other users, and it also has built in navigation to find interesting / noteworthy parts of the log file.

...of course, LogViewPlus doesn't actually support Triggers yet.  :-)  I will prioritize this work.  Maybe we can have something for the next release.

Hope that helps,

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Hi Toby,

are these bookmarks going to be created automatically or static per log?
So if I open a complete new logfile then the bookmark checking takes place and a new bookmark will be created with a link to the documentation?

Hehe, I like the "yet" in your sentence ;-)

Thanks for all your fast responses! Much appreciated!

Best regards,
LogViewPlus Support
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Triggers will analyze a log file and take an action.  In this case, adding a bookmark with a note.  So, yes, they will be created automatically.

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Hi Toby,
awesome! That sounds perfect :-)

Best regards,


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