Rule Wizard

Rule Wizard

The Rule Wizard can be used to create or edit a filter rule.

LogViewPlus currently supports the following rule actions:

Set foreground and background color
Changes the foreground and background color of all rows in the filter.  This setting overrides all other format settings.  Format settings for a log entry will be applied across all views.
Clear all log entries
Removes all log entries from the current log file.  This action might be helpful if you were tailing a log file and wanted to reset it on application restart.
Stop / Start a new session.
For every pair of matching log entries, this will create a new date time filter on the root log file.  If the number of log entries is odd, a new session filter will be started.  This is useful for dividing your log file into time increments.
Add a bookmark
Adds a bookmark to all rows in the filter.
Apply a template
Applies a pre-defined template to the root log file.
Set the pretty print type
Changes the pretty print format type for all rows in the filter.  The pretty print type will be respected across all views.


Available Actions

1. Available Actions

A list of all actions supported by LogViewPlus.  Selecting an action will add it to the Rule Description.


Rule Description

2. Rule Description

A simple description of the rule.  The description states which log entries are included, the filter, and the actions to be applied. 

Some action descriptions may include a hyperlink which can be used to configure the action.



3. Delete

If the rule already exists, the Delete command can be used to permanently remove it.



4. Navigation

Navigate to the next page of the wizard or cancel your changes.  Cancelled changes cannot be recovered.

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