Static File System Settings
It is possible to configure LogViewPlus with server or data source configurations that cannot be modified by the end user. This option can be helpful when:
1. You need to keep access credentials protected from end users.
2. You have complex or shared environment settings and you would like to decrease the time needed for configuration.
Static file system settings cannot be exported or reset. You also will not be able to change the user credentials without replacing the static configuration file.
Having a static file system will not prevent the end user from creating or modifying new server configurations. From the end users perspective - LogViewPlus will work normally. Pre-configured servers will simply appear in the Log Explorer as though there were part of the standard file system.
Creating and implementing static file system settings is straightforward. All that we need to do is create a file systems settings file with our desired configuration and then copy that file to %ProgramData%\LogViewPlus\filesystem.default.dat.
You can create a static file system by following the instructions below:
1. Open LogViewPlus and reset your application settings. You can back up your settings first if necessary.
2. Modify your configuration to add any needed Remote Servers, Data Sources or Network Shares.
3. Test your configuration. Once the settings have been made static, they may be difficult to change.
4. Move the file %AppData%\LogViewPlus\filesystem.dat to %ProgramData%\LogViewPlus\filesystem.default.dat. Notice that the file name is changed as part of this process.
If the configuration needs to be implemented for multiple users, simply copy file %ProgramData%\LogViewPlus\filesystem.default.dat to all of the target machines.