LogViewPlus processes UDP logs by listening on a port and logging all data received to a local file. The local file can then be opened automatically and parsed as normal.
Reference Name
A reference name can be set to more easily manage and access this configuration. Reference names should be unique. By default, the reference name will mirror the server name and port number. Reference names are also be used by the local log level and automatic template settings.
The name provided will be used to build a URI which can be used to refer to this server. For this reason, the name provided must be URI friendly - it should not contain characters or symbols which are difficult to represent in URI form.
The reference name will also be used in the file name where UDP data is logged. The name used here will therefore also be used to determine the appropriate parser configuration.
Category Name
A category name is used to group UDP connections into a folder in the Log Explorer. This field is not required.
If you have previously configured a server with a category name, this name will be available as a drop-down option. Alternatively you can type a new name into the category text box.
UDP Port
The UDP port where log data is published.
Validates and tests the provided configuration.
Save / Cancel
Once you have configured your listener, you can use the save command to persist your changes. Once your changes have been saved the configured listener will be immediately available in the folder tree view.
Use the "Cancel" command to return to LogViewPlus without saving your changes.